For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Monday, August 11, 2008

御愛読ありがとうございました(Thank you all so much!)

This will be the last entry of my blog. Thank you very much for reading it! It's been my dreams come true for the past 7 and a half months in Japan and I've enjoyed every minute of it (you can tell). Thank you again for your support and understanding to make this sabbatical happen. I feel truly grateful to have such wonderful friends and relatives all over the world. We're going back to Charlotteville this afternoon. See you soon!


Sunday, August 10, 2008


My husband returned the double bass he was using for the past 7 months to the rental shop in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He says he'd like to buy one when he comes back to the U.S. I think he should.


Saturday, August 9, 2008


Only two more days left in Hayama. We went to Chojagasaki Beach and enjoyed swimming (or 'floating', precisely speaking, because I cannot swim).


Friday, August 8, 2008


The 90th annual High School Baseball Championship is going on in Osaka. Two out of the 55 high school teams in this tournament are my father-in-law's favorite; Koryo high school in Hiroshima and Tokoha Kikugawa high school in Shizuoka. Why? Because he composed the school song for both of them. After each game the school song of the winning team is aired and you can see the composer's name on the TV screen for 2 seconds or so.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


August 6th was the Hiroshima A-bomb Day. Each year the city holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony on this day. As a HIBAKUSHA -- a survivor of the a-bomb, my father-in-law couldn't (and didn't want to) talk about the agony he went through for 30 years after the bomb. Finally in 1975, he composed a piece called Prayer Music No.1 'Dirge' for the ceremony and since then this piece has been performed by the local middle school and high school students' symphonic band every year during the ceremony.

今年も広島で平和記念式典(「広島市原爆死没者慰霊式並びに平和祈念式」)がありました。いつものように市内の中学・高校6校の吹奏楽部が合同で、義父の作曲した「祈りの曲 第1 "哀悼歌"」を演奏しました(8時6分から14分まで)。被曝者である義父が原爆の体験を語ることができるようになるまで30年かかりました。この作品は平和記念式典のために1975年に作曲され、以来毎年この日に演奏されています。

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Our high school friend and a tea master Mrs. S. invited us (and another high school friend Mrs. N.) to her house for a tea ceremony. I didn't know that she has her own tea room (Tatami room) attached to the house. Watching her elegant performance was really a wonderful experience for us. It was a calm, peaceful, and soothing moment. Thank you very much, Mrs. S.! (I'm sorry I cannot drink tea and thanks again for the hot water.)


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My daughter went back to NY. I had a wonderful time together with her in Japan and Taiwan. She can speak not only English and Japanese but Chinese also, so it was very convenient to have her in Taipei. She will come down to Charlottesville later this month and I already look forward to seeing her again.


Monday, August 4, 2008


Boy, what an exciting place Taipei (Taiwan) was! It was actually not as hot or humid as in Tokyo and we had a great time (with delicious Chinese food, of course).


My mother-in-law was born and raised in Taipei. She moved to Tokyo when she was 14 just a few months before the start of the WWII (it took her 4 days by ship and train to get to Tokyo then. Now it's merely a three hour flight). Among the many memorable places she wanted to revisit in Taipei was the National Taipei College of Business where her father had served as the principal from 1926 to 1941. She was treated with great respect there.


My daughter's friend A. (history major) gave us a wonderful tour of the newly renovated National Palace Museum. It was so impressive! And the Shilin Night Market was just overwhelming!
