For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We'll be visiting Bangkok, Thailand, for 4 days starting tonight (sorry, this blog won't be updated for a while). My brother is working for a Japanese trading company and now stationed in Bangkok, so we've decided to visit him there while we are in Japan.


We found out that there is no need to get visas for us to enter Thailand (for up to 30 days' stay), but we do need to show our passports valid for at least 6 months when we enter the country. Mine will expire in December. Whew, that was a close call.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


After spending a long weekend at his uncle's house in Chiba, my son came back to Hayama again. He says he and his cousins had a wonderful time together, including this 'Earthquake Experiencing Car' ride sponsored by Chiba Prefecture. Note that it's not a game but one of those earthquake education tools (I guess we have no earthquake drills in Charlottesville, although UVa just recently had a tornado drill).


Monday, May 26, 2008


Finished reading Jhumpa Lahiri's 'The Namesake' at my friend's recommendation (she'd read it in English but I read the translation by Takayoshi Ogawa). It's a story of an Indian immigrant couple, moved from Calcutta to Massachusetts and started a family there. I nodded about one thousand times while reading it. Those troubles and confusion in adjusting themselves to the new environment and in raising children in a different country are so familiar and similar to my own experiences. The book also describes so well how this couple's American born son felt about his parents' country/culture/religion while he himself didn't quite belong to yuppie New York.


Sunday, May 25, 2008


Finally a fee collector of NHK (the Japanese public television) came to my apartment (yes, a real person visits from door to door to collect money here). I wonder how they found out that I'd been watching without paying. Now that I paid the fee (2,340 yen = ca. 23 dollars per month), it is legitimate for me to watch NHK!


Saturday, May 24, 2008


Furisode is a type of Kimono with long sleeves which only young and unmarried women are allowed to wear. Many Japanese women wear Furisode at their Seijinshiki (Coming of Age Ceremony) or at commencement. My niece, whose Seijinshiki is coming up, went to a professional photo studio and had a Furisode photo session. She was so beautiful! (This photo is not taken by a photographer but by me.)


Friday, May 23, 2008


My son's got his hair cut. Now his head's right side has very short hair while the left side hair remains just as long as before the haircut. I thought I paid for the whole thing.


Thursday, May 22, 2008


My son turned 20 this month. Now he can drink legally in Japan while he still cannot in the U.S.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Went to Tokyo with my son to see my sister. Ate a cake (no, not all of them).


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


One of my molars was pulled out about 6 years ago. I think it's about time to fill that space, so I decided to put a golden (18K) bridge. This is definitely the most expensive accessory I've ever worn.


Monday, May 19, 2008


Went to watch a soccer game of the Japanese National Football League (J League Division 2), Yokohama FC vs. Avispa Fukuoka, with my son (Mitsuzawa stadium, Yokohama). Yokohama won. We wanted to see Avispa Fukuoka's midfielder (#18) Jun Suzuki play in this game, but he didn't have a chance. Jun started playing soccer with SOCA in Charlottesville (along with his brother and my son) 16 years ago when he was 3 years old and now he is a professional soccer player in Japan!


Sunday, May 18, 2008


Shopped at 'Genbei' with my son. 'Genbei' started its business in Hayama more than 100 years ago as a TABI (special socks for Kimono) maker. The flip flop sale started about 50 years ago and now the store is famous for the quality, color variety, and original designs of their flip flops. (This is their T-shirt.)


Saturday, May 17, 2008


After a long flight (13 hours) and a long train ride (2 and a half hours), my son arrived in Hayama! The summer vacation of his college (in New York) has already started (the spring trimester of most Japanese colleges will continue through July). He'll stay here for 3 weeks.


Friday, May 16, 2008


It's the season of.......roses! This red one's name is 'Niccolo Paganini'. (Verny Park in Yokosuka)


Thursday, May 15, 2008


Back in Hayama. Happy to see our apartment still standing here (we live on the second floor). The temperature in Hayama is significantly lower than in Fukuoka.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Charlottesville Reunion in Fukuoka, 2nd round, as a grand finale of our Fukuoka trip (the period of residence in Charlottesville: the N. family 1989-1992, the S. family 1992-1994, the H. family 2004-2006). S. is now a 2nd grader (7 years) and a lot taller than he used to be, just as handsome as when he was in Charlottesville. Thank you very much, Dr. & Mrs. N., Mrs. S., Dr. & Mrs. H., and especially S., for the wonderful gathering (I am so lucky to have many wonderful friends in Fukuoka)!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Nice weather. Beautiful parks. Great food. Joyous conversation with my precious friends. I love Fukuoka!


Monday, May 12, 2008


Made a grand tour of northern Kyushu from Fukuoka to Mt. Aso (Kumamoto), Mt. Kuju (Oita) and Yufuin (Oita), a total of 383 km (238 miles) drive! Unfortunately, we couldn't come close to the crater of Mt. Aso (an active volcano) due to the hazardous gas emission. I enjoyed a 5 min. horseback riding in Kusasenrigahama Meadows.


The Kokonoe Yume Otsurihashi is the Japan's longest (390 m) suspension bridge for pedestrians. I was impressed by the bridge itself and the splendid view from the bridge! Thank you so much, Prof. Y., for the great tour!


Sunday, May 11, 2008


Charlottesville Reunion in Fukuoka. What a great time (and delicious food, of course!) we had together! I was really happy to see the F. family and Dr. O. again. Thank you very much, Drs. F. & O. & Mrs. F., for your generous & genuine hospitality!


Saturday, May 10, 2008


The 'Dog Toilet' at Nango Kaminoyama Park (Hayama). I wonder how many dogs actually choose to use this facility in this extensive park with countless trees and bushes (the dogs may not read the signs).


We'll be in Fukuoka (Kyushu) tonight. Can't wait to see my friends there!


Friday, May 9, 2008


'Amefurashi' (Aplysia = a sea hare) on Ohama beach. The reason why it's called 'Amefurashi' (the rainmaker) is that it discharges some reddish-purple fluid in the ocean, spreading out like a rain cloud, to blind the attacker when threatened.


Thursday, May 8, 2008


We've been enjoying Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler) singing beautifully here and there this spring. Their song is a symbol of spring in Japan. (It's often translated as 'Japanese nightingale' but Uguisu never sing at night.)


Their voice is pretty loud considering the body size of the bird. The problem is they move too fast in the bush for me to take a picture (there must be one somewhere in this photo).


Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Attended the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra concert (one of this year's ~400 'La Folle Journee au Japon' concerts). Their oboist Mr. Markus Haberling is the former owner of my Marigaux oboe. I never imagined to see him in Tokyo!

ローザンヌ室内管弦楽団の演奏を聴いてきました(ラフォルジュルネ音楽祭@東京国際フォーラム)。このオーケストラのオーボエ奏者Markus Haberlingさんから、私は約10年前にオーボエを買いました。まさか東京で会えるとは!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Visited Kamakura-gu Shrine to watch the archery dedication by the Ogasawara-style Ancient Archery Preservation Association. Kamakura-gu Shrine was built in 1869 by Emperor Meiji to deify Prince Morinaga (born in 1308), the son of Emperor Godaigo.


The "Kusajishi-shiki" style archery was performed this time. "Kusajishi" is an imitation target deer made by buckskin. There were two shooters in each match: Mae-yumi (the first shooter) and Ato-yumi (the second shooter). After each try, the judge asked the shooter where exactly the arrow had hit on the target and only when the shooter answered correctly, he/she got a point. If his/her answer was wrong, he/she didn't get a point even if the arrow did hit the target. The whole thing was solemn and beautiful including their period costume and the ancient language, and the audience oohed and aahed and enjoyed it very much.


Monday, May 5, 2008


Attended Mitsutaka Shiraishi's concert again (Shonan Village Festival) but this time with a 'piano disassembling demonstration' in the middle of the program. After performing Scarlatti, Beethoven, Ravel, and Wagner/Liszt, the pianist unscrewed two pins and removed the keylid (top), the keyslip (front piece), and the two keyblocks (the woodblocks holding the keyboard), then he pulled out the whole action towards himself and explained the structure and how the sounds come out of the piano. Then he returned the action into the piano and finished performing the rest of the program (Rachmaninoff and Chopin). I've never seen such a concert.


Sunday, May 4, 2008


Shonan Kokusai-mura (yes, they have a beautiful swimming pool) is now hosting the 'Shonan Village Festival 2008' (May 3 - 5). There are exhibitions, shows and concerts, scientific talks, food (restaurants, vendors, local farmers), special programs for children, and many more. The piano concert I attended was by Mitsutaka Shiraishi. It was just delightful and his music talk between programs were quite interesting.


Saturday, May 3, 2008


I never swim. Why? Because I CANNOT swim! But there is a beautiful swimming pool at Shonan Kokusai-mura (adjacent to Sokendai) my husband often uses, so I went there with him to see what it's like and just walked in the water and tried the sauna.


Well, I don't 'eat' my drink anyway...


Friday, May 2, 2008


A. joined the faculty of Sokendai as an assistant professor as of May 1st. She happens to be a former postdoc in my husband's lab in Charlottesville (until 2006). Now her office is right next to my husband's. Welcome to Hayama (what a wonderful reunion)!


Thursday, May 1, 2008


Yasumi Tsuhara's novel "Buraban (= High School Brass & Wind Ensemble)" (published in 2006). Although the book title refers to the Brass & Wind Ensemble, the main character of this book (telling us the whole story), Mr. Tahira, played the 'double bass' in his high school band (frankly, I didn't know that there is a double bass in Burabans).


He (Mr. Tahira) tries to restore his high school band 25 years after their graduation. The book especially interested me because my high school friends and I just recently re-started our orchestra rehearsals 30 years after our graduation.


One thing I have to point out. As an oboist, I found this paragraph (page 103) offensive: "In either a symphonic or a wind & brass band, the tuning A is given by an oboe. That's not because the oboe is always in tune. The oboe has difficulty in fine tuning, so whatever he gets, everybody else has to tune to his pitch."


Well, it's true that the oboe is NOT always in tune but the oboists CAN tune to 440 if they practice!
