For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Friday, February 29, 2008


The "International Colloquium of Evolutionary Studies: Mentors and Students" (Feb. 28-29) at Shonan Village Center. The purpose of this event is to give the Japanese graduate students an opportunity to see and listen to the talks of 7 different pairs of professors and their graduate students from all over the world (3 pairs from the U.S., including S. and my husband, one from the Netherlands, one from the Switzerland, 2 from Japan) and learn about their researches as well as the mentor-student relationship, how students are trained in different places. It is said that, in general, the Japanese sociery has the vertical structure and the American sociery has the horizontal one, I wonder how the Japanese scientific world works these days.


Thursday, February 28, 2008


The first dentist visit in Japan. Boy, am I glad I went there. They found a decayed tooth (and other problems). I'm already looking forward to the next visit!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


S. is a graduate student in my husband's lab at UVa. He came to Japan! All the way from Charlottesville. To attend the International Colloquium at Sokendai, in Hayama. We are very glad to see him here!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Got sick (another 'first time in Japan'. Who said I'd have to pay for this incredible life in Japan?). Had some Kudzu starch gruel and rested (this Kudzu is also tasty.)


Monday, February 25, 2008


Two reasons why we went to Yonago: (1) to see Mr. and Mrs. A. again (they lived in Charlottesville for one year and Mr. A. and I played music together), and (2) to eat the famous Japanese crabs (they are in season now) as much as we can!


It was quite cold there (snowed horizontally, not vertically, from time to time due to strong winds) and I got cold (my mistake...) but Mr. and Mrs. A.'s hospitality warmed our hearts (of course the crabs were super-fresh & super-delicious!). Visited Matsue Castle, Old Samurai Residence, Adachi Museum of Art, and so on. (Was the whole thing a dream?) Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. A.!!


Saturday, February 23, 2008


The Fukugonji Temple is the only Zen temple in Hayama (established in 1348). It's right behind our apartment building and everyday at 5 p.m. (from 4:58 to 5 p.m., precisely speaking), we get to hear the beautiful sound of the big bronze bell which is hanging in the bell house in front of the temple. Also, the Police Office of Hayama broadcasts a tune through the community wireless system everyday at 5 p.m. to test if the system works alright. Thus, 5 p.m. is quite unmistakable here.


We'll be in Yonago, Tottori, this weekend.


Friday, February 22, 2008


Visited the plum grove park in Taura, Yokosuka-city. The plum trees are just starting to bloom (I didn't know I had to climb up more than 300 stone steps).


Thursday, February 21, 2008


In this book "Objection to that Japanese Word!", the author Michael Molasky claims to have felt offended when he saw the listing "pets allowed; piano allowed; foreigners allowed" while searching for an apartment in Japan. The reality is that there are many places in Japan where the pets and the piano are allowed but the foreigners are NOT allowed (it would be illegal if you say so in America). The problem is that the most Japanese people don't even think that's a problem.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Visited my family's graveyard in Aoyama, Tokyo. My parents, my brother, my aunt, my uncle, my grandparents, my great-grandparents (and so on) are buried here (they were all cremated, so, what we have are the ashes. Otherwise it would be too crowded!). Want to come back again in spring when the cherry trees are in bloom. It is such a beautiful place but I won't be buried here (I will be in my husband's family graveyard near Mt. Fuji, I hope).


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Two kitchen faucets: one in the kitchen in Charlottesville, one in Hayama. Can you tell the difference? Look closely. Yes, they work in the opposite way. The one in Charlottesville turnes off when it's down, and the one in Hayama turnes off when it's up. How many times did I move them in the wrong way in the past two months?


Monday, February 18, 2008


Do you want to know how to cook octopus properly so that it's tender and delicious? Ask my husband! (Don't ask me...)


Sunday, February 17, 2008


Went to Tokyo again to watch my niece (not in a rock band this time but) in a theatrical performance. It was quite experimental but funny! I liked it. Yes, my niece is indeed very talented (and still very young).


Saturday, February 16, 2008


The Asahiya Butcher Shop has been in business since 1901 in Hayama. Famous for the 'Hayama croquette' (70 yen/piece). Delicious.


Friday, February 15, 2008


Totally forgot about the Valentine's Day. Yet my husband received some high quality chocolates from the ladies at work (well, can I have some)?


Thursday, February 14, 2008


We've been subscribing the NHK Japanese Broadcast for years in Charlottesville. Thus, even in Japan, when the TV anchorman says "the time is now 7 a.m.", I automatically calculate the time difference and think "then it is 5 p.m. here (EST)", and then 2 seconds later I realize it's indeed 7 a.m. because, yes, we're in Japan. After coming home for several days, it's even more confusing.

シャーロッツビルでも十年来NHKを視聴しています。なので、ニュースキャスターが「時刻は午前7時です」と言うのを聞くと、瞬間的に「じゃあここ(シャーロッツビル)は午後5時」と時差を計算するくせがついています。2秒後くらいにやっと、いや、ここは日本だから午前7時だ、と気付きます。最近ようやく慣れてきましたが、今回アメリカに一度帰りまた葉山に戻ってきたので、またまたわけがわからなくなりました(ここはどこ? 今何時?)。

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Came back to Japan after a short (only three and a half days) stay in Charlottesville. I re-realized what a beautiful place Charlottesville is. Fresh air, clear sky, a myriad of stars, friendly people, lots of smiles from friends, wide roads, traffic signal sensors,.... I thought this spring flower was forsythia but it seems not. I wonder what it's called.


I was very glad to be able to attend the Symphony's dress rehearsal (Friday night) and the Saturday night concert. Boy, what a great performance! I'm very proud of them.


Thanks to our friends T. and J. (I would say they are the world's best house sitters!), our house is tidier than it used to be, and I didn't have to cook/drive/take phones or do anything while we were there (well, I straightened out some business, too).


I was so happy to see many of my Japanese friends at R.'s house (I broke into their quilting/patchwork party). Also, very glad to see Baby T. (2 months old). What a handsome boy he is now (compared to the last time I saw him, which was two days after he was born)!


Thursday, February 7, 2008


People in Japan exchange New Year's Greeting Postcards instead of the Christmas cards (a total of 2,700,000,000 postcards were mailed this past New Year). They are called Nengajo. Each Nengajo has a lottery number printed at the bottom. And here is what I won (a set of 50 and 80 yen stamps)!! I rarely win anything so I'm very happy.

お年玉付き年賀はがき、一枚当たりました! 切手シートです。うれしい(そもそも日本で年賀状を受け取ることなんて、もう一生に二度とないかもしれない)! お年賀状をお送りいただいたたくさんの皆様、どうもありがとうございました。

This blog won't be updated for the coming 5 days or so because we are going to Charlottesville! See you all at Kroger or Whole Foods!!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The red plum blossoms on the way to the library. Failed to take a picture of the Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus) sitting on the twig.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I'm not a big fan of football. I just accidentally tuned in to BS1 and, voila, a live broadcast of the Super Bowl XLII in Japan! I could figure out that the NY Giants won (I wonder how my daughter and my son are doing up there in Manhattan).


Monday, February 4, 2008


First snow accumulation in Hayama (so beautiful). Thus cancelled all activities planned for the day (but it was still a very good reading day).


Sunday, February 3, 2008


My friend N. used to live in Charlottesville (1995). She is a professional Koto (traditional Japanese harp) player and performed at different places in Charlottesville when she was there. Now, I learned that her mother, Mrs. U., is also a professional Koto player/teacher in Japan. I attended Mrs. U. and her friends'/students' ricital, "the 13th Japanese Tune Concert" in Yokohama. In addition to the usual 13-string Kotos, there were Shamisen (Japanese 3-string guitar) players, Shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo recorder) players, 17-string Koto players, and singers, all dressed in beautiful Kimono. I found that Mrs. U. is exceptionally talented!

横浜市港南区が主催する邦楽コンサート「第13回 邦楽の調べ」を聴いてきました(港南区民文化センター「ひまわりの郷」)。1995年にシャーロッツビルに住んでおられたOさん(現在のお住まいは東京、芸大邦楽科卒のお琴の先生)のお母様(同じく芸大邦楽科卒、港南区でお琴のお教室を主宰)がお琴を独奏されたり、生徒さんが合奏を披露したり、他にもお琴・三味線・尺八のプロの方がたくさん出演され、もりだくさんのプログラムでした(Oさんご自身は今回は演奏されませんでした)。私は日本人なのに日本の伝統文化を全然知らなくて、つくづく恥ずかしく思いました。

Saturday, February 2, 2008


How much did we spend in Japan since we arrived? TOOOOOO MUCH!!! The initial overwhelming phase is gone now and we are starting to realize how things are expensive here and more money than we thought has disappeared by now. At this pace, we won't have money left to go back home. Hopefully, the expenditure is less in the second month and after.


Friday, February 1, 2008


One of those things I really wanted to do while I'm in Japan. That is to go to a bookstore and buy a newly published book there and read it (you'll never be able to do this as long as you're in Charlottesville)! This book "Hankyu Densha" came out on Jan. 25, 2008. It's about the people who live along the Hankyu Railway Imazu line and the incidents they come across on the train.
