For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Thursday, February 7, 2008


People in Japan exchange New Year's Greeting Postcards instead of the Christmas cards (a total of 2,700,000,000 postcards were mailed this past New Year). They are called Nengajo. Each Nengajo has a lottery number printed at the bottom. And here is what I won (a set of 50 and 80 yen stamps)!! I rarely win anything so I'm very happy.

お年玉付き年賀はがき、一枚当たりました! 切手シートです。うれしい(そもそも日本で年賀状を受け取ることなんて、もう一生に二度とないかもしれない)! お年賀状をお送りいただいたたくさんの皆様、どうもありがとうございました。

This blog won't be updated for the coming 5 days or so because we are going to Charlottesville! See you all at Kroger or Whole Foods!!


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