For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Yoko Tawada is a novelist who writes both in German and in Japanese. I've been wanting to read her book so I grabbed randomly three of her works from the library. The first one was a surrealistic novel "Opium fuer Ovid". Although it's written in the Japanese language (yes, I noticed that), I didn't understand a word. I mean I understood almost all words but I couldn't find the meaning from a jumble of words. Sad... But then I enjoyed the second one "Suspect on the Night Train" very much. Her unique word choice made me even laugh sometimes. I liked it! Then the third one "Spherical Time". It's like a work from somebody else. Surprisingly different. Her utter originality makes me startle and wonder what comes next.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Attended Mrs. Giselinde Shiga's lecture: Japan, from the German viewpoint, and Germany, from the Japanese viewpoint. She was born in Munich, has a Japanese husband, raised two boys in Japan, has been in Japan for 42 years. We ate her wonderful Stollen and cookies (is Christmas in January here?).


Monday, January 28, 2008


My niece's band performance in Yokohama (she is the vocalist in the middle). She is a 19 year old college student. Had great stage presence. I liked it very much. Reminded me of my son's band's live performances when he was still at home.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Attended "The 26th Zushi City Salon Concert" (violin, clarinet, two pianos). I've noticed two things. First, people listen Nutcracker even after December (or, is Christmas in January here?). Somehow I felt strange. Second, the musicians here never smile. They don't smile before the performance. They don't smile during the performance. They don't smile after the performance. Perhaps it's prohibited(?).

「第26回逗子サロンコンサート ~デュオの響き~」(2台のピアノとバイオリン、クラリネット)に行ってきました。「くるみ割り人形」はアメリカでは12月にしかやらないけれど、日本ではいつでも演奏していいんですね。それと、演奏者が舞台で笑顔を見せるのは禁止されているのでしょうか。楽しそうに演奏したら頭がおかしいと思われるのでしょうか。皆決して笑わないのでちょっとショックでした(花束を受け取る時にはさすがに少し微笑んでいたけれど)。

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Attended Hideki Togi's "10th Anniversary New Year Concert" in Chigasaki. Hideki Togi, a former court musician, started his own fusion music using the Japanese ancient court music instruments (traditionally allowed only in Gagaku settings) and the western music instruments together or with other Asian traditional instruments. I feel really lucky to be able to see him/listen to him because I don't think he will ever perform in Charlottesville.

「東儀秀樹10周年新春コンサート ~夢語り「雅楽と伎楽」~」に行ってきました(茅ヶ崎市民文化会館)。東儀秀樹って、テレビでは何度か見たり聞いたりしたことがあったのですが、本物はやはり素晴らしい音でした(特に篳篥と笙)。シャーロッツビルには来てくれないと思うので、今回は本当にラッキーでした。

Friday, January 25, 2008


Kotsubo's eatery "Yuuki Shokudo". Serving fresh local fish from Kotsubo bay. Inexpensive. Delicious.


Thursday, January 24, 2008


4 weeks have passed since we arrived. By submitting a copy of our family register (of the city of Chigasaki), we could finally register our residency in Hayama. Now we are officially the Hayama townspeople (cool!).


The first snow accumulation was reported in Tokyo and Yokohama, but not here in Hayama. I wonder if the last week's snow in Charlottesville is still there...


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Charlottesville Reunion Luncheon in Tokyo. We've met each other in Charlottesville at different times. The lunch was great and we had a lot to catch up. Viva friendship!


Monday, January 21, 2008


The election day for the new mayor of Hayama (we could not vote though, because we haven't lived here long enough). Why is it now? Because both former mayor of Hayama, Mr. Moriya, AND former deputy mayor of Hayama, Mr. Suzuki, resigned last month abruptly due to some alleged political scandals. Out of the four candidates, Mr. Eiji Mori was elected.


Sunday, January 20, 2008


Visited a huge Kimono festival in Tokyo. So many beautiful Kimonos. You can try on as many as you want (but you cannot buy as many as you want because they are quite expensive).


The festival was in Asakusa, so I visited Sensoji Temple afterwards. I was surprised to see so many Chinese speaking tourists in Nakamise.


Saturday, January 19, 2008


To drive or not to drive, that is the question...for me in this country. In fact, only skilled drivers can park in this area of Japan.


Friday, January 18, 2008


This is a concert program. Brush written. It says, the first one: Bach's Bourre, the second one: Mozart's Menuet, etc. I've never seen such a cool program! It was for my mother-in-law's performance yesterday at a community hall in Chigasaki.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


This reminds me of Charlottesville. The election poster of Keiichiro Asao (a member of the House of Councillors). It's everywhere in Hayama (residual from last summer's election?). Of course, his sister is Charlottesville's only bilingual doctor, Dr. K. A.-R.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Visited the Setagaya Antique/Flea Market (four days a year only---Dec. 15/16 and Jan. 15/16). A lot of people (ca. 200,000 people/day). A lot of stuff (more than 700 shops). It started in 1578 (430 years ago). Let's see, the Jamestown settlement was 1607, so what did we have in 1578 in Charlottesville??


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The 4th book from the library. An award winning novel "The Tokyo Tower: My Mom, me, and sometimes Dad". It's a novel, yet a plain-spoken autobiography. This naturally bilingual author (the Kyushu dialect AND the standard Japanese!) vividly depicted his/his mother's life using Kyushu dialect effectively in conversation.

ずっと読みたかったリリー・フランキーの『東京タワー オカンとボクと、時々、オトン』を借りてきて読みました。会話の部分が九州(小倉・筑豊)の言葉でいきいきとしていて、淡々とした地の文とあいまって、著者の母親への愛情が素直に伝わってきました。テレビも映画も観てないけど、たぶん原作が一番ぐっとくるのでは?

Monday, January 14, 2008


Shelly is my husband's brother's dog. Actually, she is my parents-in-law's dog, too. She spends 1 - 2 weeks at my brother-in-law's house, then 1 - 2 weeks at my parents-in-law's house, then again at my brother-in-law's house, and so on. Why is she so busy? Because everybody loves her!


Sunday, January 13, 2008


Spent whole day (Saturday) with my parents-in-law in Chigasaki. We went to a Korean restaurant and had gourmet Korean BBQ and a delicious chicken soup with ginseng, Samgye-tang.


Saturday, January 12, 2008


The fishmart of Kotsubo Bay. Not big at all. But every fish they sell is the catch of the day. So fresh. So good.


Friday, January 11, 2008


The Edelweisskapelle's (, the trumpet player/music director of this band is our high school friend) regular concert at a beer garden in Tokyo. Great beer, delicious food, "ausgezeichnet" music! All the guests stood up and danced together in a circle in the end!


Who drank three glasses of hot water (not a sip of beer) in a beer garden like this (and stayed there for four hours)?


Thursday, January 10, 2008


The first book I've read in Japan (checked out from the library). In this book "Homeland is the national language", the author Masahiko Fujiwara wrote about the travels he and his family made in Changchun city, China (formerly known as Xinjing -- Xinjing was the capital of Manchukuo which was established in 1932 in Manchuria by Japan), where he was born and raised until he became 2 years old.

My late parents (my father died 6 years ago and my mother died 22 years ago) were also in Xinjing, Manchuria, when the war ended. In 1945 they once parted at the platform of Xinjing Station. My father was forced to labor in Sibria for 3 years. My mother had to stay in North Korea for a year before crossing the 38th parallel north
on foot. By reading Fujiwara's book, I could learn a little bit of what the life in Xinjing was like and the chaos and the agony my parents went through.



Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Visited Akihabara (known as a town of electronic devices and of OTAKU) with my husband. He needed some electronic parts for his new optical device. There I saw a lot of canned Ramen marked as "Akihabara specialty". I don't get it.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This apartment is fully furnished. We didn't have to buy anything big. A few things we had to buy in the past two weeks were:


塩(salt)、胡椒(pepper)、砂糖(sugar)、醤油(soy sauce)、味噌(Miso)、小麦粉(flour)、オリーブ油(olive oil)、サラダ油(vegetable oil)、酢(vinegar)、バター(butter)、ご飯茶碗(a pair of rice bowls)、お椀(two Miso soup bowls)、お皿(plates)、包丁(a kitchen knife)、まな板(a cutting board)、計量カップ(a measuring cup)、やかん(a kettle)、ざる(a strainer)、ボール(a kitchen bowl)、三角コーナー(a kitchen sink corner strainer)、なべつかみ(a pot glove)、おたま(a kitchen ladle)、菜箸(a pair of long chopsticks for cooking)、もち焼き網(a Mochi toasting grid)、バスタオル(bath towels)、バスマット(a bath mat)、洗面器(a washbowl)、お風呂のいす(a bath stool)、お風呂用ナイロンタオル(a nylon bathing towel)、トイレットペーパー(toilet paper)、トイレマット(a toilet mat)、キッチンペーパー(paper towels)、ごみ袋(plastic garbage bags)、ごみ箱(wastebaskets)、デロンギのヒーター(a DeLonghi heater)、ペン(pens)、消しゴム(an eraser)、メモ用紙(memo pads)、セロテープ(a Scotch tape)、はさみ(a pair of scissors)、マウスパッド(a mouse pad)、シーツ(sheets)、枕(pillows)、時計(a clock)、洗濯物干し(an indoor laundry hanging frame)、洗濯ばさみ(cloth pins)、ハンガー(hangers)、洗剤(laundry detergent)、ヘアドライヤー(a hair dryer)、シャンプー(shampoo)、リンス(conditioner)、ボディーソープ(body soap)、シリコンルブスプレー(a can of silicone lube spray)、ミシンオイル(a bottle of machine oil)、スーパーシール(a sealant)、乾電池(batteries)・・・

I think we need a broom also.


Monday, January 7, 2008


Wore KIMONO. For the first time in my life. Not by myself of course. A Kimono teacher came to our apartment and dressed me. Overwhelming... Too many wonderful things happened in the first two weeks. My brain is going to explode.


Sunday, January 6, 2008


High school orchestra reunion/rehearsal. 5
players. 4 hours of music non-stop. Got tired.


What's wrong with this picture? My husband and I totally forgot about changing into slippers when we entered the community hall. Oh well, we've been in America for 24 years...


Saturday, January 5, 2008


In terms of the space, Hayama Town Library is nothing compared to the JMRL, but it has a shelf full of books about the Japanese Royal Family since the town of Hayama is known as Goyotei-no-machi (the town of Emperor's summer house) for a long time.


Friday, January 4, 2008


The first oboe playing in Japan (or the first oboe playing of the year, whichever you like) with my mother-in-law. Hopefully it's not the last oboe playing during my stay.


Thursday, January 3, 2008


Today is Thursday.....feeling strange.....what's missing here??..... Uh huh! I don't go to the Japanese school today:( I miss my 'grandchildren':(

Yesterday, we went to Kamakura. Hachiman-sama was full of people.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008


What a fabulous week it has been! Literally my 'dreams-come-true'. We've met all our family members (and they are all doing fine). Our apartment location is unbelievable. Our BMW is gorgeous (I haven't started driving yet...the roads are too narrow...). Every food we tried was delicious. I figured that I will be able to attend my niece's wedding AND and my nephew's wedding while we're in Japan. This is more than I expected. I'm truly thankful for the time here and for everything we have here. Domo arigato! (Only 31 more weeks to go.)


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year! (First sunrise & Mt. Fuji)
