Yasuko's Adventures in Hayama     葉山便り  

For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Sunday, August 16, 2009

ありがとうございました(Back to Charlottesville today!)

We will fly back to Charlottesville today. We had another wonderful summer in Hayama this year. Thank you, everybody, for reading my blog. There are countless things I'm grateful for...the ocean-view house, the cool car, the kindnesses of all the nice people in Hayama, the understanding and flexibility of our landlady, the beautiful flowers she's been growing, lots of smiles from our family and relatives, all the wonderful friends who made our stay possible and comfortable. Thank you so much and see you in Charlottesville very soon!


Saturday, August 15, 2009


The last dinner of our stay in Japan was the family reunion. It was really a fun night! (You can see the two dogs and the picture of my mother-in-law's mother in this photo.)


Friday, August 14, 2009


My sister and I visited the Shiosai Park and Museum. It's built where Emperor Taisho (Yoshihito) spent the last ten years of his life and Emperor Showa (Hirohito, current emperor's father) acceded to the throne. Hirohito was a marine biologist and his collection of specimens and marine life from Sagami Bay is one of the main exhibitions of the museum.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Only three more days left in Hayama. We went to Chojagasaki Beach (I was just 'floating' because I cannot swim). It felt great and we got some suntan.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My sister-in-law, who lives in Bangkok, Thailand, is visiting Japan for the summer, so my sister and I went to see her in Tokyo. We went to a restaurant in Tokyo University (my niece is a graduate student there) and had a fancy Italian lunch. I've noticed that this old university has now a lot of modern features.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Japan is a land of earthquakes. I experienced two minor earthquakes in the past 4 days, one of which was this morning (it woke me up!). It was not bad at all in Hayama but there were some casualties in Shizuoka area. Luckily, the typhoon #9 went away.


Monday, August 10, 2009


My sister and I went to Matsushima, one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. My high school friend, Prof. O., was the best tour guide we could have in Matsushima because he is a history professor and knows a lot of interesting stories. Thank you, Prof. O., for your time and hospitality! Unfortunately, the weather was not good so it was not that scenic....too bad.


The next day, we changed our plan and came home earlier due to the inclement weather but I didn't feel that bad after I ate the Edamame rice-cake.


Saturday, August 8, 2009


Mini university class reunion in Tokyo (Shiodome). It was my first visit to this newly developed area called Shiodome. I enjoyed the spectacular bird's-eye view of Tokyo from the 42nd floor of the Shiodome City Center Bldg.


I won't update my blog tomorrow (I'm going to Matsushima).


Friday, August 7, 2009


We have to have a decent excuse to have this quality Unagi (eel) meal..... Well, let's celebrate our daughter's birthday (it was more than 10 days ago...) again! (How many times did we celebrate her birthday in the past week in Japan?)


Thursday, August 6, 2009


August 6th is one of those days Japanese people would never forget. It's the Hiroshima A-bomb Day. As always, (one of the Hiroshima survivors) my father-in-law's composition called Prayer Music No.1 'Dirge' was performed at the annual Peace Memorial Ceremony in Hiroshima this morning (from 8:08 a.m. to 8:14 a.m.). President Obama didn't attend the ceremony this year but we hope he will in the future.

今年も広島で平和記念式典(「広島市原爆死没者慰霊式並びに平和祈念式」)がありました。いつものように、義父の作曲した「祈りの曲 第1 "哀悼歌"」が流れました(8時8分から14分まで)。核兵器の無い世界をめざすアメリカのオバマ大統領、今年の式典には出席しませんでしたが、いつの日か広島に来て欲しいと思います。

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The Charlottesville Japanese Mothers & Babies Playgroup reunion in Tokyo. Most babies who gathered today were born in Charlottesville (or spent some time in Charlottesville). Some are not babies anymore, obviously. And more babies were born in Japan! Hurray! Thank you, Mrs. O., for the fancy luncheon and for letting us use your wonderful house again!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today was the first clear day we've seen in a while. This is today's sunset from our balcony.


Monday, August 3, 2009


Our wonderful landlady, Mrs. S., let us use her grand piano, so we had a great music afternoon. The members were my father-in-law (flute), my mother-in-law (violin), our friend Ms. T. (piano), our friend Prof. A. (flute), my husband (double bass), my daughter (page-turner) and I (oboe). Thank you very much, Mrs. S., for your kindness & hospitality!


Sunday, August 2, 2009


My daughter and my mother-in-law played music together. My daughter says she hasn't played piano since the last time she was in Japan (a year ago?).


Saturday, August 1, 2009


I attended an NHK Symphony Orchestra concert (@ MUZA Kawasaki Symphony Hall) because my friend Mrs. F.'s daughter, T., a Julliard-educated wonderful viola player, performed in the orchestra today. T. lives in New York and is visiting Japan for the summer. It was a fun and educational(?) concert! (T. was only 4 years old when I first saw her in St. Louis.....)


Friday, July 31, 2009


Have you seen a Noren (store banner) outside of a public bath in Japan? Usually these three letters are 'men', 'hot water', and 'women'. Well, this one is not for the public bath. My hairdresser in Hayama, Mr. Y., made this special Noren for his barber shop (it says 'men', 'hair', and 'women') which sometimes confuses people.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


My husband came back to Hayama after a one-week stay in the U.S. (he's kept the Japanese standard time pretty much whole week in Charlottesville). My daughter arrived also (from New York). She will stay here only for 10 days. I want her to enjoy the Japanese summer (hot and humid?) as much as possible.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Have you ever eaten Japanese peaches? They are juicy and sweet and bigger than the American peaches. You will love them!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


St. Louis reunion (with Mrs. F. & Mrs. S.) at Shinagawa Aquarium. The dolphin show and the sea lion show were cute but modest if you compare with the Shamu (killer whale) show of Sea World in San Diego. The most impressive display was the aquarium tunnel you can walk through under water.


Monday, July 27, 2009


My husband's former classmate Mrs. T. and I played table tennis together. Oh, what a great player she is! Thank you, Mrs. T., for setting up and teaching me the special techniques!


Sunday, July 26, 2009


My daughter turned 26 yesterday. When she was born, we were still living in Japan (we moved to the U.S. when she was 10 months old), my parents were both alive, and I was 26 years younger than I am now! Wow!


Saturday, July 25, 2009


We can see Mt. Fuji (3776 m) from our window but I've never climbed Mt. Fuji until today. This morning, for the first time in my life, I was at the Fifth Station (2305 m above sea level -- the paved road ends here) of Mt. Fuji. In fact, the bus took me there so I didn't have to walk. Although we couldn't see the mountain top due to the bad weather, it was an awesome experience. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. K. (resided in Charlottesville from 1999 to 2001), for giving me this wonderful opportunity!



Dr. I. was a research scientist at UVa from 2002 to 2003. After coming back to Japan, she opened her own clinic near Mt. Fuji (about 60 miles from Tokyo) two years ago. Mrs. K. and I visited this wonderful facility for the first time. It was a beautiful place! Thank you, Dr. I., for sparing your precious time.


Thursday, July 23, 2009


My husband needs to be in Charlottesville next Monday for his graduate student's thesis defense, so he left Japan today (if you see him at Harris Teeter, that's why). For one whole week, I will have this beautiful house, great view, and the cool car all by myself.


I won't be able to update my blog tomorrow (where do I go?...near Mt. Fuji).


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Quite a few people throughout Japan expected to observe the 6 minutes 25 seconds "total solar eclipse" (or at least a part of it) today but the weather didn't cooperate for everybody. Here in Hayama there were thick clouds and the sun didn't show up so the eclipse was not observed.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Atami is a famous place for Onsen (hot spring). After the reunion/rehearsal, we spent one more night in Atami to enjoy Onsen. There was a huge steamer which cooks vegetables and eggs just outside of the hotel utilizing the heat of the steam jet from Onsen.


Monday, July 20, 2009


The 5th annual high school orchestra 3-day reunion/rehearsal in Atami was over. Oh, what fun it was to play music one after another for 3 days. On the second day, my mother-in-law (violin) participated also for the first time. She knows almost all the participants from our high-school days and was a huge help in our violin part this time.


A total of 15 people came (some stayed the whole time, some didn't) and we are already talking about what music we want to play at our next year's rehearsal.


Friday, July 17, 2009


Every morning my husband and I walk down to the ocean (or at least try to do so). From our ocean-view residence it takes only 5 min. to go down the hill but of course when we come home, we have to climb up the steep hill so it takes more than 10 min. The tide was low this morning and there was a person who seemed to be collecting some turban shells (they are tasty!) with a huge hydroscope (sorry, the picture is so small).


The annual high-school orchestra reunion/rehearsal will begin tomorrow. I won't be updating my blog for the coming 3 days.


Thursday, July 16, 2009


My mother-in-law, one of her violin students, and I performed at the Tokiwa-cho neighborhood association's meeting today. My mother-in-law played all six pieces (two Kreisler solo pieces, two duets with oboe, and two more duet pieces with her violin student, Mr. K.) plus one encore piece.


Exactly one month left before going back to Charlottesville.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My parents-in-law's newest family member, Lulu. She is incredibly adorable.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


All these ladies and children have once lived in Charlottesville (not everybody at the same time though). At our annual reunion we talked about the life in Tokyo, nice memories of Charlottesville, difficulties of raising children, and everything else. Thank you, Mrs. N., for organizing another wonderful reunion!


Monday, July 13, 2009

韓国(ソウル)旅行 (Seoul trip)

Prof. O. of UVa is spending the summer in Seoul with his family. His wife J. is from Korea and her parents still live there. We decided to visit Seoul to see Prof. O's family (and of course to eat great food).


Thank you very much, the O. family (S., J., K., and J.!), for your time, kind arrangement, and hospitality (you treated us like a king and a queen)!


What a wonderful town Seoul is! It's an exciting mixture of old and new, with beautiful rivers and mountains and of course with lots of delicious food.


Our hotel was located in Insadong (one of the northern districts of central Seoul) where you can find many interesting antiques and handicrafts, and numerous street food vendors that reminded me of old Japanese streets (sort of...).


With only two dollars, you can take a picture in a traditional Korean dress like this (don't laugh...). I made a new pair of glasses because eyeglasses are very cheap in Korea and it took only ten minutes! (No, not the reading glasses but a pair of near-sight eyeglasses.)


Friday, July 10, 2009


Prof. T. of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (that's what's written here) used to be a postdoc in my husband's lab (1997-1998, 1999-2000). Now she is also a mother of a 6 year-old girl. Time flies!


My husband and I will be in Seoul, Korea, this coming weekend. I'll update my blog when I come home.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I went to Tokyo Dome for the first time to watch a ball game Yomiuri Giants vs. Yokohama Baystars (with a free ticket!). It was a lot of fun because the game was exciting and the fans were loud. I remember the last time I came to this ball park was in 1971 (38 years ago!) to attend Grand Funk Railroad's concert (the dome was not there yet so we all got soaked to the bone due to heavy rain!).


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This summer we have no plan to register our residency in Hayama town (we are living as tourists) so I cannot make the library card. I'm using the library with Ms. M.'s library card pretending that my name is M. Thank you very much, Ms. M., for your kind arrangement!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


It's been raining off and on since we arrived but this morning we could see Mt. Fuji for the first time for a very short period of time (5 min.?) from our window. Beautiful!



My husband's elementary school class reunion. I didn't go to that school but who cares? I had a great time together with his former classmates. Thank you, everybody, for letting me be there!


Monday, July 6, 2009


Our high-school friend cellist A. didn't go to music school nor majored in music, but that doesn't matter! His annual recital was another great success. Thanks for the high-quality performance again, A.! You are very special!


Sunday, July 5, 2009


My sister, my cousin and I visited our family graveyard in Tokyo. After cleaning the tombstone, we bowed our heads and prayed.


Saturday, July 4, 2009


Professor O. of UVa Psychology Dept. (his children are in my Japanese school) has published this book last month: Shiawase wo Kagaku suru (a scientific approach to being happy). Reading this book doesn't automatically make you feel happy but you get a lot of tips and hints on how you deal with your happy or unhappy feelings.

友人のO先生(バージニア大学心理学部准教授。お子さんが補習教室に参加されています)が先月出版された「幸せを科学する - 心理学からわかったこと」(「幸福の科学」とはなんの関係もありませんのでどうぞあしからず)を読みました。これを読めば幸せになれるほど人生は甘くない、と帯に書いてありましたが、幸せってどういうことだろう?と考えるきっかけになりました(感謝の気持ちが大切?)。