For my friends in Charlottesville, keeping you up-to-date on my adventures in Japan シャーロッツビルの皆様へ:2度目の葉山暮らしのレポートです

Monday, August 11, 2008

御愛読ありがとうございました(Thank you all so much!)

This will be the last entry of my blog. Thank you very much for reading it! It's been my dreams come true for the past 7 and a half months in Japan and I've enjoyed every minute of it (you can tell). Thank you again for your support and understanding to make this sabbatical happen. I feel truly grateful to have such wonderful friends and relatives all over the world. We're going back to Charlotteville this afternoon. See you soon!


Sunday, August 10, 2008


My husband returned the double bass he was using for the past 7 months to the rental shop in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He says he'd like to buy one when he comes back to the U.S. I think he should.


Saturday, August 9, 2008


Only two more days left in Hayama. We went to Chojagasaki Beach and enjoyed swimming (or 'floating', precisely speaking, because I cannot swim).


Friday, August 8, 2008


The 90th annual High School Baseball Championship is going on in Osaka. Two out of the 55 high school teams in this tournament are my father-in-law's favorite; Koryo high school in Hiroshima and Tokoha Kikugawa high school in Shizuoka. Why? Because he composed the school song for both of them. After each game the school song of the winning team is aired and you can see the composer's name on the TV screen for 2 seconds or so.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


August 6th was the Hiroshima A-bomb Day. Each year the city holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony on this day. As a HIBAKUSHA -- a survivor of the a-bomb, my father-in-law couldn't (and didn't want to) talk about the agony he went through for 30 years after the bomb. Finally in 1975, he composed a piece called Prayer Music No.1 'Dirge' for the ceremony and since then this piece has been performed by the local middle school and high school students' symphonic band every year during the ceremony.

今年も広島で平和記念式典(「広島市原爆死没者慰霊式並びに平和祈念式」)がありました。いつものように市内の中学・高校6校の吹奏楽部が合同で、義父の作曲した「祈りの曲 第1 "哀悼歌"」を演奏しました(8時6分から14分まで)。被曝者である義父が原爆の体験を語ることができるようになるまで30年かかりました。この作品は平和記念式典のために1975年に作曲され、以来毎年この日に演奏されています。

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Our high school friend and a tea master Mrs. S. invited us (and another high school friend Mrs. N.) to her house for a tea ceremony. I didn't know that she has her own tea room (Tatami room) attached to the house. Watching her elegant performance was really a wonderful experience for us. It was a calm, peaceful, and soothing moment. Thank you very much, Mrs. S.! (I'm sorry I cannot drink tea and thanks again for the hot water.)


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My daughter went back to NY. I had a wonderful time together with her in Japan and Taiwan. She can speak not only English and Japanese but Chinese also, so it was very convenient to have her in Taipei. She will come down to Charlottesville later this month and I already look forward to seeing her again.


Monday, August 4, 2008


Boy, what an exciting place Taipei (Taiwan) was! It was actually not as hot or humid as in Tokyo and we had a great time (with delicious Chinese food, of course).


My mother-in-law was born and raised in Taipei. She moved to Tokyo when she was 14 just a few months before the start of the WWII (it took her 4 days by ship and train to get to Tokyo then. Now it's merely a three hour flight). Among the many memorable places she wanted to revisit in Taipei was the National Taipei College of Business where her father had served as the principal from 1926 to 1941. She was treated with great respect there.


My daughter's friend A. (history major) gave us a wonderful tour of the newly renovated National Palace Museum. It was so impressive! And the Shilin Night Market was just overwhelming!


Thursday, July 31, 2008


We were among those 100,000 people who enjoyed the gorgeous fireworks at Zushi Beach. It was spectacular (especially the last 10 min.)!


B. just graduated from UVa this past May. He once took my husband's biology class and also played violin many semesters in the Symphony where I play the second oboe, so we know him quite well. This summer, B. happened to be in Yokohama studying Japanese for 6 weeks in an intensive course. Since his classes just finished, we went to see the fireworks together. It was really marvelous to see him in Japan!


My husband, my daughter, my mother-in-law, and I are going to Taipei, Taiwan, today. I'll update my blog when I come back.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I wonder how many meals can we still eat here..... Oh no, not many at all! We have to eat Ramen!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Nobody but my husband was swimming at Chojagasaki Beach on a weekday morning before breakfast (as you know, I cannot swim).


Monday, July 28, 2008


My husband and I attended our high school friend R.'s chamber music concert (a string quartet of Mozart, a cello suite of J.S.Bach, and a clarinet quintet of Mozart). It was truly impressive and inspiring. R. was a star cellist already in our high school orchestra and although he didn't choose music as a profession, he hates compromises and regularly gives high-quality concerts.


Sunday, July 27, 2008


My nephew's wedding was so beautiful, fun, creative, and caring. Also, the food (it was at a French restaurant in Daikanyama, Tokyo) was superb! I'm so happy for them. Congratulations, Y. & K.!


Saturday, July 26, 2008


My daughter turned 25. It was a hot summer day when she was born in Tokyo 25 years ago. Then she lived in Japan for only 10 months before moving to the U.S.


Friday, July 25, 2008


We rehearsed the trio piece (flute/oboe/piano) we're going to play at my nephew's wedding this weekend. The groom himself plays the flute. The bride is from Taiwan.


Thursday, July 24, 2008


The Charlottesville Japanese Mothers&Babies Playgroup reunion in Tokyo. Mrs. A. used to have the meeting every Wednesday at her house in Charlottesville, but she moved to Arizona in June and right now she is visiting Japan for the summer. I was really happy to see her and her daughter E. and also Mrs. K. and her son T., Mrs. W. and her baby T., Mrs. O. and her son T. & her baby Y., Mrs. T. and her son K., Mrs. S. and her daughter K., and Mrs. Y. and her son D. Thank you, Mrs. O., for letting us use your beautiful new house in Tokyo! (Sadly, only 2 out of the 8 families who got together today are going back to Charlottesville this summer...)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I have to confess that I've never read anything by Haruki Murakami (which is a shame!). So when I went to the library last week, I checked out Kafka on the Shore (I don't know why I didn't choose Norwegian Wood) and I'm reading it right now.


Then I got an email from my friend in Charlottesville yesterday. She says that her reading group just read Kafka on the Shore (in English, of course), so she'd like to talk about it when I get back. Hmmm, what are the odds!?


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Came back from the 4th annual high school orchestra 3-day reunion/rehearsal in Atami. This year, my husband (double bass) and my daughter (violin/piano) participated for the first time. It was a lot of fun!


In total 18 people came (some stayed the whole time, some didn't) including the family of the members. We played a lot of music together and the BBQ on the second day was delicious & fun, too!


Saturday, July 19, 2008


Received gynecological and breast cancer screening at a hospital in Yokosuka. Written results will be mailed within a week.


We are going to Atami to attend the annual 3-day reunion/rehearsal of our high school orchestra. I won't be updating my blog for at least 3 days.


Friday, July 18, 2008


Another pleasent family get-together dinner. Who's missing here? My son! (And the dog had to wait outside of the restaurant...)


Thursday, July 17, 2008


The annual summer festival of the Kamegaoka Hachimangu (the Turtle Shrine) of Zushi city (July 15th & 16th). The mikoshi (portable shrine) parade with shinto music played by the local parishioners including children was so exciting (and hot)!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We visited Prof. H.'s condo in Hayama (amazing 180 degree ocean view!). She is not only a scientist/professor of Sokendai University but also one of the 6 members of the Japanese National Public Safety Commission and she has lots of interesting stories to tell (no, she won't tell us the top secret). We played music together, too. Thank you very much, Prof. H., for inviting us, Miss K., for cooking for us, Prof. A., for playing music with me!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Edamame (twig beans) on twigs (well, they don't grow in the plastic bags obviously). Fresh Edamames taste better than the frozen one.


Monday, July 14, 2008


My daughter used to take violin lessons from Ms. B. in Charlottesville when she was 9 to 11 years old. After a long break (14 years!) she received a lesson from grandma.


Sunday, July 13, 2008


My daughter's friend B. went back to New York. What a fun time we had together for the past 8 days. Thank you, B., for coming to Japan & sharing your musical talent with us! I'm glad you and your friends could reunite in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Chigasaki.


Saturday, July 12, 2008


We had a wonderful lunch in a beautiful restaurant inside of a museum (Musee Tomo in Toranomon, Tokyo), with Prof. Serge Daan -- a prominent biologist, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of University of Groningen, and the recipient of the International Prize for Biology (2006) --, Mrs. Daan, Dr. A. (my husband's graduate school mentor), Prof. H. of Hokkaido University, and Mrs. K. (vice president of Kikuchi Foundation for the Arts). We also enjoyed the special preview of Korean white procelain exhibition very much.

虎ノ門にある「菊池寛実記念 智美術館」の中のレストランでのとても素敵なランチでした。主賓は、時間生物学の権威で2006年に国際生物学賞を受賞されたグローニンゲン大学副学長サージ・ダアン博士ご夫妻で、主人が大学院時代にお世話になったA教授と北海道大学のH教授、そして菊池美術財団副理事長Kさんが一緒でした。お食事の前に、翌日からはじまる『朴英淑(パク・ヨンスク)の白磁―月壺と李禹煥(リー・ウーファン)の絵皿』展を特別に見せていただきました。

Friday, July 11, 2008

Miss K. and I tried to decide which Obi (the belt) goes better with this summer Kimono for Friday's luncheon (sort of formal). No conclusion yet.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I bought my daughter a black dress. It was marked as '(discounted due to a) small defect' and ca. a quarter of the original price (75% OFF!). We looked carefully but couldn't find the defect (are we too Americanized?).


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


There was a 3 and a half hour power outage due to a planned electrical repair work from 12 noon to 3:30 p.m. We couldn't use our phone, A/C, refrigerator, TV, computer, hot water, washer/dryer, or elevator. Luckily, it wasn't a hot day and was very quiet so I could read books and my daughter took a nice long nap...


Tuesday, July 8, 2008


My husband's colleague Prof. A. (and Mrs. A.) invited us for dinner at their house. In addition to my husband, me, our daughter, and her friend B., Miss K. (in Kimono) and Miss M. were there. Thank you very much for the wonderful dinner, Dr. and Mrs. A.! We played some music together, too.


Monday, July 7, 2008


My daughter's friend B. is a freelance violinist in New York city, very often plays with the New York Philharmonic as a regular sub. In fact, she came to Japan 4 times in the past, twice with the New York Philharmonic. We had a fun, musical afternoon (3 and a half hours straight) with my mother-in-law on the violin and my father-in-law conducting.


Sunday, July 6, 2008


We went to listen to my niece's live performance in a rock band at her college's Star Festival (Tanabata-sai). She looked cool in her Kimono!


Saturday, July 5, 2008


My daughter and her friend B. arrived in Japan! B. will be here only for a week but my daughter will stay here for a month. I'm so happy!


Friday, July 4, 2008


Another Charlottesville Reunion at Mrs. O.'s house in Tokyo (I know I can always see Mrs. M. when she and I come back to Charlottesville though....). When Mrs. O. (a professional Koto player/teacher) was in Charlottesville in 1995, she gave many concerts for local schools and area meetings, with her new-born daughter in a basket. At her house, I had a 20 min. Koto lesson for the first time in my life and you don't know how much I enjoyed it! It was another one of my dreams come true in Japan. Thank you so much, Mrs. O.!

Mさん(Mさんとはシャーロッツビルに戻ればまたいつでもお会いできるのですが・・・)と一緒にOさんのお宅にお邪魔しました。お琴の先生で演奏家でもあるOさんは、シャーロッツビルでは(1995年)うまれたばかりのRちゃんを赤ちゃん用バスケットに入れて、あちこちの学校や集まりで何回も演奏を披露してくださいました。今回私はうまれてはじめてお琴を弾かせて(触らせて?)いただきました。楽しかったです!(日本でまたひとつ夢が実現しました。) Oさん、どうもありがとうございました。

Thursday, July 3, 2008


My 32 year old niece works for an investment management firm and she (and her friends) sang in a gospel group at the company's 10 year anniversary party (what a fun gathering it was!) and I enjoyed her performance very much. I knew her younger sister is a wonderful singer/performer but I've never heard her sing before.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Prof. F. is a good friend of my husband and we had a wonderful dinner together in Osaka. (This Sashimi plate was truly incredible!)

On the next day, I had two Charlottesville Reunions, one in Osaka (including a fabulous tour in Osaka 'Minami' area) and one in Nara. We talked and talked but will never have enough time because we have a lot to catch up (of course we ate a lot, too). Thank you, Prof. F., Dr. and Mrs. T., Mrs. I., and the O. family, for your friendship and kindness!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


It is always sad when we have to say goodbye to our friends (the symposium speakers) especially who came all the way from the U.S., but we've got to spend some time together before they headed for Narita. We visited Sankeien Garden (Yokohama) in the morning and Enoshima Island in the afternoon.


My husband and I will go to Osaka tonight so I won't update this blog for a couple of days.


Saturday, June 28, 2008


After the 3-day international conference at Shonan Village Center, there was an informal sushi party at Sokendai University. I was there too, lured by the sushi...


Friday, June 27, 2008


Visited the photo exhibition "Hiroshima & Nagasaki, 1945" (Earth Plaza, Yokohama). A former U.S. Marine photographer, Joe O'Donnell (1922 - 2007), was stationed in Japan from September 1945 (one month after the atomic bomb explosions) to March 1946 to document the Japanese cities after the war including Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the devastating aftermath of the bomb. But many photos taken by his private camera were too disturbing and painful for him to look at and he kept them in his trunk and couldn't open it until 1989. His famous photo 'Cremation site, NAGASAKI' is among the ones displayed this time (a picture of a young boy who brought his dead brother to a cremation site). What a sad but powerful picture this one is.


Thursday, June 26, 2008


The Shonan Village Center is hosting an international seminar titled 'Evolutionary Studies in Behavioral Neuroscience' (June 25 - 27) and I had a chance to show off myself in Kimono at the first night reception and impressed(?) my foreign (and Japanese) friends. Thanks again, Miss K., for dressing me!
